• Introduction to Social Media for Businesses

Introduction to Social Media for Businesses


  • 30 minutes
  • 1
  • 0 Locations
  • 12 months
  • Ref: EQOM2
Social media is essential to market and boost any business but it isn’t as simple as posting a few Facebook or Instagram posts here and there. This crash course in social media basics will help set up a proper social media strategy for your business and teach you how to create pages and market your business on both Facebook and Instagram. Take the first step in boosting your business or offer this course to a friend just starting up in the business world.

What's Included

  • Understanding of your business
  • Establishing the most appropriate social media strategy
  • Basic steps to create your pages on Facebook and Instagram
  • Offered online only
Availability Sessions are offered from Monday to Friday (10h00-17h00).
Duration 30 minutes.
Other Info Languages supported: English, French, Arabic.

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How It Works

Order the experience online and we’ll send you a voucher with booking information and another one to your recipient, then you just need to follow the instructions on how to redeem it. Voilà!